The Strength and Sustainability of Concrete: Building with the Best

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Editor’s Note: This post, originally published on September 27, 2018, has been thoroughly revised and updated to ensure accuracy and comprehensiveness.

Have you ever wondered how the modern world stands tall and strong amidst the challenges of time and nature? Concrete, the most consumed building material after water, plays a pivotal role in shaping our cities and infrastructure. This essential concrete building material boasts unparalleled strength and sustainability, making it the cornerstone of modern construction. This blog opens the exploration of the topic of the journey of concrete, how concrete was formed on the Earth, how this product has evolved, and why it became a number one priority for construction to its critical role in modern engineering, highlighting why it remains the top choice for builders and developers around the globe. Join us as we explore concrete’s incredible strength and sustainability and find out how constructing with the best begins with Danterr.

What is Concrete?

Concrete building finished construction with reinforced steel dowels. concrete building material

Concrete is a composite material from cement, sand, water, and aggregates such as crushed rocks. This combination forms a strong and long-lasting Concrete building material capable of handling strength and other environmental challenges. Cement, produced by heating powdered limestone with clay, acts as the binding agent, while the aggregates provide bulk and stability. Reinforced with iron or steel, concrete structures can endure for thousands of years, making them ideal for construction projects.

Concrete’s Role in Construction and Sustainability

The Science Behind Concrete

Concrete is a composite material of cement, water, aggregates (sand, gravel, or crushed stone), and sometimes additives. The science behind concrete involves several key processes:

  1. Hydration: When cement mixes with water, it undergoes a chemical change called hydration. The process used to form a paste it starts to fix the aggregates and hardens up after some time has elapsed.
  2. Setting and Hardening: During hydration, the concrete mixture switches from a fluid to a hardened state. Setting begins within the first few hours while full hardening may take several weeks.
  3. Microstructure Formation: The hydration process creates a crystalline structure within the cement paste, forming calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) and other compounds. This microstructure provides the material with its strength and durability.
  4. Reinforcement: Concrete is often reinforced with steel bars (rebar) or fibres to improve its tensile strength and ductility. The reinforcement makes concrete able to deal with different stresses and increases its load-bearing capability.
  5. Durability and Lifespan: The durability of concrete depends on its composition, the quality of materials used, and the curing process. Making quality concrete and ensuring proper curing can last many years resisting weathering, chemical attacks, and mechanical wear.

Another captivating feature of concrete is the structure’s ability to resist entropy. While the universe tends towards chaos, concrete structures maintain order for extensive periods, resisting decay and degradation. For this reason, concrete is suitable for different construction works including those of buildings such as skyscrapers and infrastructure developments.

Understanding these processes allows engineers to design and produce concrete with specific properties tailored to the needs of different construction projects.

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The Importance of Concrete Joints

Expansion joints are very crucial for managing the natural expansion and contraction of concrete, preventing cracks, and ensuring structural integrity. These joints are reinforced with steel dowels, which help distribute loads evenly and allow for horizontal movement, maintaining the concrete’s strength and durability over time. At Danterr, we offer a comprehensive range of concrete jointing systems tailored to meet the needs of various construction projects. For more detailed information on concrete jointing systems, visit our Essential Guide to Concrete Jointing Systems in Construction.

We specialise in high-quality dowels available in various shapes, sizes, and finishes to meet the unique needs of any project across Australia. Our expertise ensures that concrete panels, whether used in skyscrapers, runways, or bridges, are joined and aligned perfectly, maintaining the structural integrity and longevity of the construction.

Dowels and Their Importance in Concrete

Dowels are essential in concrete construction, providing critical support at joints where two concrete sections meet. They provide passage of loads across the joint and enable the two sections to take equal loads. This is particularly important in large structures like runways, bridges, and skyscrapers, where stability and durability are paramount. Dowels also facilitate horizontal movement due to temperature changes or concrete contraction, preventing cracks and maintaining the structure’s integrity over time.

Danterr offers a variety of high-quality dowels, including:

Learn more about our dowels in this blog “The Importance of Dowels for Superior Construction”.

Danterr Projects Utilising Dowels

Danterr has contributed to numerous significant projects across Australia by providing high-quality dowels. Notable projects include:


Danterr is your trusted partner in concrete solutions, committed to providing top-quality materials and expertise for the success of your projects. Quality is the most important pillar, combined with sustainability and customer satisfaction. Concrete continues to be the foundation of modern construction it offers several features that cannot be found in any other construction material. By leveraging the science behind concrete and its components, including high-quality dowels, we create structures that will last for generations.

For all your concrete building material needs, including our extensive range of dowels, contact Danterr today!

📞: 1800 262 383

Frequently Asked Questions:

Concrete is a composite material made by combining cement, water, sand, and aggregates such as gravel or crushed stone. The cement acts as a binder, reacting with water to form a paste that coats the aggregates and binds them together. This concrete building material hardens over time through a process called hydration, creating a strong and durable substance. Widely used in construction, concrete is essential for everything from buildings and bridges to roads and sidewalks due to its robustness and longevity.

To make concrete, mix one part cement, two parts sand, and four parts aggregates (gravel or crushed stone) in a mixing container. Gradually add water while continuously stirring the mixture until it reaches a consistent, workable consistency. The exact proportions may vary based on the specific requirements of your project.

Dowels are steel bars used in concrete construction to reinforce joints where two concrete sections meet. They allow for the transfer of loads across the joint, ensuring that both sections share the stress evenly. This is particularly important in large structures like runways, bridges, and skyscrapers, where stability and durability are paramount. At Danterr, we offer high-quality dowels in various shapes, sizes, and finishes to meet the specific needs of any project across Australia.

Concrete joints are essential for managing the natural expansion and contraction of concrete, preventing cracks, and maintaining structural integrity. These joints are reinforced with steel Dowels, which help distribute loads evenly and allow for horizontal movement. This reinforcement ensures that the concrete remains strong and durable over time. Danterr provides a comprehensive range of concrete jointing systems tailored to various construction projects.

Reinforcement in concrete, such as steel rebar or fibers, enhances its tensile strength and helps it withstand various stresses. Without reinforcement, concrete can be brittle and prone to cracking under tension. Reinforcement allows concrete to support greater loads and improve its overall durability. At Danterr, our products like galvanized dowels, stainless steel dowels, and GFRP Dowels provide critical reinforcement for concrete structures, ensuring long-lasting performance.

Cement is a fine powder made from limestone and other minerals that, when mixed with water, acts as a binder. Concrete is the final product made by mixing cement with water, sand, and aggregates. Cement is just one component of concrete, while concrete is the fully formed building material used in construction. Cement provides the adhesive properties that bind the other components of concrete together.

Cracks in concrete can be repaired using various methods depending on the size and severity of the cracks. For small cracks, epoxy injection or routing and sealing can be effective. Larger cracks may require patching with suitable materials. At Danterr, we offer a range of products for concrete repair, such as Makrete Grouts and other specialised solutions designed to restore the structural integrity of damaged concrete. For more information, visit our blog Concrete Repair Products.

Concrete begins to set within a few hours after pouring, achieving initial hardness. However, it typically takes 24 to 48 hours to become firm enough to walk on and 28 days to reach its full strength. The curing process can be influenced by environmental conditions, such as temperature and humidity, which may accelerate or delay setting.

Polishing concrete involves several steps:

  • Surface Preparation: Clean the surface and repair any cracks or holes.
  • Grinding: Use a concrete grinder to remove imperfections and achieve a smooth surface.
  • Densifying: Apply a concrete densifier to harden the surface.
  • Polishing: Use progressively finer diamond polishing pads to achieve the desired shine.
  • Sealing: Apply a concrete sealer to protect the polished surface.

To calculate how much concrete you need, measure the length, width, and depth of the area to be filled. Use the formula:

Volume = Length×Width×Depth

Convert the volume to cubic meters (or cubic feet) to determine the amount of concrete required. It’s advisable to add a little extra to account for waste and variations in the project.

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